Employers are looking for loyalty and commitment to their company while cutting costs. Employees want opportunities to have a variety of skills, identify with the task that has significance, get feedback from the job, and have autonomy. Part of freedom is having some control over your situation and making choices of how and when to complete tasks.
The solution is a flexible workforce. Part of flexibility can include compressed schedules, flextime, job sharing, and telecommuting. All need careful planning and clear expectations and policies. There are advantages and disadvantages to a flexible workplace from cost savings to employees feeling isolated. Supervision needs may change with flexible scheduling along with accountability standards.
According to Bear Staffing, workplace flexibility attracts the top talent and increases retention. The flexible schedule takes planning as there are many options. Create a strategy which may include full time and part time options. Have adequate technology available, and consider the adjustments that need to be made per individual. Try out the new plan with a few selected employees and adjust as feedback is provided. The last thing is to encourage acceptance to not leave anyone behind for promotions and allow employees to assist with redesigning their workplace as needed.
Company leaders may have their work cut out for them with flexible scheduling making their job more difficult or dynamic. Learning and training opportunities must be provided to accommodate for the new flexibility. People want to move away from the nine to five gigs and use their talents project to project. Contract workers, temporary workers, and interns also fit into this category of a flexible workforce.
A flexible workforce is now 5% of the workforce and is expected to grow within the next few years accommodating to changing lifestyles. This is great when you have a group of employees that understands how to perform a variety of different jobs and functions within a company. As needs arise for the business people are able to be shifted around when they have been cross-trained. There are much more reasons and considerations for engaging in a flexible workplace including satisfaction, reduced attrition and unscheduled absences, along with saving money. A flexible workplace is worth considering.
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