Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Total Workplace Rewards

Total rewards can be just as important as a paycheck. Rewards give regular or mundane work a kick. Solutions Manager, Maggie Wenthe, says that every good company should have engagement tactics and wellbeing programs. Employees will know what the company offers and realize the benefits to them. The employee's perceived value is greater with an adequate total rewards system. She warns employers to be conscious of cultural differences and tailor your brand to fit throughout each culture. Some symbols and colors amongst other things have different meanings throughout society and therefore be culturally sensitive. 

Picture from Biggies
To find out what employees really want and what motivates them a company can improve communication with teams. They can use quick surveys to follow upcoming and changing trends. Through informal and small groups they can easily see what is motivating to employees and what is not working. The practice of keeping staff involved and valued works to attract, motivate, and retain talented employees. 

Investing in employees is investing in the company. Healthy and happy employees are more engaged and productive. It's not just about going to work and bringing home a paycheck, it's everything surrounding your financial, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Bringing those elements into the workplace is more holistic and well-rounded. It's not just a job it's your life and where you spend a good portion of your time. 

Picture from Legacy Bowes
Total rewards programs need to be promoted, and employees at all levels should be buying into the idea and are right in front working it. The program should also be sponsored, making it even more worth is and dynamic to the people involved. Helios HR, tells us what a total rewards package might entail. You can look for compensation, benefits, work-life balance, performance recognition and career pathing opportunities. 

  • Compensation: Fixed pay/variable pay and short-term/long-term incentive pay.
  • Benefits: Health and welfare plans, pay for time not worked, retirement, FLMA, worker's comp, and unemployment.
  • Work-life balance: Flexibility, paid/unpaid time off, health and wellness, community programs, caregiver, and cultural programs.
  • Performance recognition: Service, retirement, managerial, performance rewards, the employee of the year, appreciation meals, and employee suggestions programs.
  • Career opportunities: internships, assignments, promotions, tuition reimbursement, conferences, and leadership training. 
The World at Work outlines the benefits of implementing a workplace rewards systems through research that has been conducted. These types of rewards increase morale, improve service, and increase productivity in a company. Employees feel supported. Both the company and the rewards program should be a balance to benefit each other and keep everything operating and flow smoothly. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Gender Bias in Performance Management Trends

“You can come across as abrasive sometimes. I know you don’t mean to, but you need to pay attention to your tone.” - to a woman

Selected from Quotes Gram
Sound familiar? There is a big stink about gender bias going around as people are becoming more aware of the inconsistencies and discrimination in the workplace. Many people think of equal pay for equal work, but we all know that gender bias does not stop there. Gender bias in the workplace undermines careers all around.

Gender bias in the workplace doesn't stop at the rate of pay difference between men and women but unfortunately, includes the amount of critical feedback given to women versus men counterparts. Women are described differently in performance reviews. Women receive more negative feedback than men. If companies want to retain satisfied employees, they will need to evaluate their performance management methods and work to eliminate the biases. 

“Hone your strategies for guiding your team and developing their skills. It is important to set proper guidance around priorities and to help as needed in designs and product decisions.” -to a man

Selected from The One Brief
Performance reviews are written documentation of a person's perception of a fellow employee and are mostly positive. Men and women are both given constructive suggestions. However, women should sit back and stop being so boisterous and then praise men. Women's reviews included critical feedback while men are given tips on skills to develop. Women receive more negative personality criticism for example reports of women being too abrasive, judgmental, and needing to back off.

“Your peers sometimes feel that you don’t leave them enough room. Sometimes you need to step back to let others shine.” - to a woman

Selected from QuotesGram

A question that comes to mind is who is doing the reviews. Does the reviewers' gender matter? It turns out the sex of the person giving the review does not matter. Women are still perceived as bossy, abrasive, emotional, irrational, and aggressive and are just suppose to endure such personality feedback that is harmful. For men, aggressive may show up as a criticism but rarely compare to women. Most biases are unconscious. Leaders need to step up and uncover and correct systemic bias and review the language used in reviews. 

Women experience prejudice when it comes to leadership roles. Both males and females perceive women as less favorable in leadership positions. They also evaluate the behavior of things that are enacted by women as less favorable. It is harder for women to become leaders and achieve success. Women are held to stricter standards than men when it comes to promotions.

“There were a few cases where it would have been extremely helpful if you had gone deeper into the details to help move an area forward.” -to a man

Selected from The Irish Times

Women are said to be better in teams and men are seen as more independent. This distortion gives the view of women as seen as supportive, collaborative, and helpful more often while at the same time men with the same characteristics are described as more confident and independent. Men are also more likely to get feedback on actual job performance. 

Here are some ways to confront gender bias

  • Diversity training- do not risk discrimination; realize unconscious stereotyping and promote awareness. 
  • Language check- give facts vs. judgments; state behaviors; use verb over adjectives. 
  • 360-degree reviews- allow feedback from other sources; seek professional development, encouragement, and advice from other women.
  • Anonymous feedback- consult with all managers equally; allow feedback to point out bias. 
  • Performance data tracking- compare comments received; report unequal access to promotions. 

Everyone needs to be onboard to correct gender bias. Attitude matters and everyone is affected by gender bias. Awareness and promotion of equality between sexes are crucial to the development of communities small and large.  


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Accelerated Curriculum (Learning) in Job Training

Taken from ekLeader
Accelerated curriculum (learning) is making an impact on education and job skills training. There is tremendous growth in these types of training programs at a rate of 140%. This is mostly in part due to the many perks of accelerated learning. The two most considered perks for accelerated learning is the time it takes to complete and the financial aid available. A challenge of an accelerated curriculum is seen in the ability for companies to recognize the credentials from these programs when screening new hires. 

These programs are designed to make an impact on how workers interact in the workforce. Accelerated learning is suitable for adult learners, displaced workers, underemployed, unemployed and low-skilled workers. Funding often comes from grants through the Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration. Most of the industries that use this type of training are Healthcare, Advanced Technology, Biotechnology & Life Sciences; Clean Energy/Sustainability and Financial Services. 

Taken from UCONN
Employers are looking to train employees on exactly the skills they need for the job. This type of education is often called boot camp because they are short, intense and rigorous. The kind of training will lead to degrees and certificate, relative career paths, and a bigger paycheck. Accelerated Learning is considered to be bridging the gap. 

Although intimidating, according to Indiana Wesleyan University, this type of learning brings real-world experience into the classroom. It puts knowledge to use and uses more trial and error. There is an abundance of collaboration with problem-solving and in relationships. There are timely discussions and responses to questions, concerns, and business matters. There is plenty of valuable social interaction along with immediate feedback. Most importantly the curriculum is up-to-date, and you learn what you need to know. 

Taken from AEI

There is evidence to suggest that adults need a degree or industry-recognized credentials for in-demand jobs to get more of a living wage. Adults need flexibility and innovative training that is closely related to the job and aligned with the industry. Accelerated curriculum is not for everybody and employees must seek out what is best and motivating for them. Adults need support in preparing for jobs. Accelerated learning is a great tool for vocational training. 


Have you ever started a job with poor direction and a not so welcoming first day? I would like to say I have a good personal experience or example to share of an actual orientation and onboarding process. I have not recently had a job that was thorough with orientation and onboarding. One place I work at right now is well aware of their shortcomings in this area and are in the process of writing a grant for funding to improve the orientation process. 

Taken from Employee Onboarding Process 
The onboarding and the orientation process is a crucial element for new employees and the company. We can assume when people do not understand their position and tasks they walk around blaming other and management for their difficulties. They may not take the initiative to do things for themselves, ask questions, or get results. People need to feel connected and valued and it is essential to the company’s development and establishing a foundation for success. It also gives the company good word of mouth and a better reputation of a good place to work when things are properly carried out. It also says the company money. 

Taken from 123RF
Onboarding is meant to be a positive experience. People will feel welcome and prepared, have confidence and the resources needed to carry out their job duties and the company’s mission. There is so much to learn when starting a new job from establishing responsibilities, orientation, company culture, and just a lot of new information in general. It's no wonder starting a new job can be terrifying. 

According to Career Builder, there are guidelines to follow for successful onboarding:
  • Right off the bat make sure the new hire is not doing something different from what they are hired to do. 
  • Have a written plan detailing objectives, strategy, and expectations. 
  • Use a prepared checklist to cover everything and avoid distractions. 
  • Have all relevant paperwork ready. 
  • Assign a go-to person for questions and share job descriptions to get to know what other are doing. 
  • Set up the new hire's workstation with supplies needed and tell them where to get them. 
  • Provide feedback throughout at checkpoint to keep in regular contact. 
  • Also, get feedback from the employee address concerns and note accomplishments. 
  • Ease into the full schedule and have someone provide a lunch the first day. 
  • Clarify policies that are most relevant and make sure they have access to a handbook.
Image from Difference Between
Employee's benefit from proper orientation and onboarding. They should know the direction to take to when asking clarifying questions. Getting contradictory information is reduced along with frustration. People will be closer to fully understanding their jobs, company policies, business processes, and job function.

Not only do employees want to know what they are supposed to be doing but the employer benefits from a proper orientation. Company's benefit comes in reducing costs, increasing production, and decreasing turnover. Non-engagement causes the loss of employees. The cost of turnover can be found in the cost of training and onboarding, interview expenses, advertising costs, lowered engagement, the productivity of new hires, impact on morale and the gossip machine, and less useful service

From Clipart Library
Onboarding isn’t for only the initial first day or first 90 days. People Admin says, the process can last a year or two. They want to avoid people leaving the company within the first year. It costs too much, and quality goes down. Onboarding can look like team building, creating goals, and mentor programs. It consists of constant communication, feedback, performance measures. There is then a transition from the onboarding process to the performance management process. Putting more resources and effort into onboarding builds the foundation of a thriving company.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Flexible Workforce

Job enrichment is a big motivator for employees. People want opportunities for personal growth, advancement, responsibility, interesting work, recognition, and achievement. They also want family time, personal time, and flexibility in the workplace. 

Employers are looking for loyalty and commitment to their company while cutting costs. Employees want opportunities to have a variety of skills, identify with the task that has significance, get feedback from the job, and have autonomy. Part of freedom is having some control over your situation and making choices of how and when to complete tasks. 

The solution is a flexible workforce. Part of flexibility can include compressed schedules, flextime, job sharing, and telecommuting. All need careful planning and clear expectations and policies. There are advantages and disadvantages to a flexible workplace from cost savings to employees feeling isolated. Supervision needs may change with flexible scheduling along with accountability standards.   

According to Bear Staffing, workplace flexibility attracts the top talent and increases retention. The flexible schedule takes planning as there are many options. Create a strategy which may include full time and part time options. Have adequate technology available, and consider the adjustments that need to be made per individual. Try out the new plan with a few selected employees and adjust as feedback is provided. The last thing is to encourage acceptance to not leave anyone behind for promotions and allow employees to assist with redesigning their workplace as needed. 

Company leaders may have their work cut out for them with flexible scheduling making their job more difficult or dynamic. Learning and training opportunities must be provided to accommodate for the new flexibility. People want to move away from the nine to five gigs and use their talents project to project. Contract workers, temporary workers, and interns also fit into this category of a flexible workforce.

A flexible workforce is now 5% of the workforce and is expected to grow within the next few years accommodating to changing lifestyles. This is great when you have a group of employees that understands how to perform a variety of different jobs and functions within a company. As needs arise for the business people are able to be shifted around when they have been cross-trained. There are much more reasons and considerations for engaging in a flexible workplace including satisfaction, reduced attrition and unscheduled absences, along with saving money. A flexible workplace is worth considering.